Jim Lee is  one of the most successful artists in American comics. He has received a enormous amount of recognition for his work in the industry, including the Harvey Special Award For New Talent in 1990.

X-Men #1 still is the best-selling comic book of all-time with sales of 8 million copies of the first issue.

In 1991, Lee helped launch a second X-Men series simply called X-Men, not only as the artist, but also as co-writer.  Lee designed new uniforms for characters such as Cyclops. Jean Grey, Rogue, Psylocke and Storm, creating the images that an entire generation of X-Men readers would associate with the characters.
In 1992, Lee was one of seven artists who formed Image Comics – creating popular lines like WildC.AT.S, Stormwatch, Deathblow and Gen13.
In 1998, Lee left Image Comics and returned to his roots as an illustrator. In 2003 he collaborated on a 12 issue run on Batman together with a year's stint on Superman called For Tomorrow.  Lee continues to run the company he founded, working side by side with new artists.